Sunday, October 11, 2009

Need to change my ip adrress...?

I was blocked from a chat room for a game and I need to change my ip adrress so I can access it again... but I am using a router and a cable modem and I was told I can not do it through the command prompt with that setup... I have seen browsers you can download that just feed you the info from servers in various countries but you have to buy those... but something like that would be perfect.. but really any way other than using cmd prompt will be nice. Thx
Need to change my ip adrress...?
Unplug your modem and router for 1 minute, you should get another IP Address.
Need to change my ip adrress...?
You unplugged them...but did you actually take out the coax cable or just the power cable?? Because that should do it....worked on my cable modem.

Check out some of these videos on how to do it.
Reply:Connect your laptop directly up to the cable modem. Open a command prompt. (Click "Start", select "Run", type "CMD" and hit "Enter")

From the command prompt type what is in quotes below...

"ipconfig /release" hit enter

"ipconfig /renew" hit enter

Close the window and disconnect your laptop.

This should force the ISP to give you a new ip address. Power down the router before reconnecting it to the cable modem. Power up the router after it has been connected. If this doesn't work then we can try and help you other ways. Good luck I hope it works out!
Reply:maybe your service provider has assigned you a static ip address that's why your ip address won't change even if you restart your modem.

you could try using anonymous proxy servers. you can find a guide here:

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