Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Whats a wifi amplifier? and how can i make one? and how do i use it?

we are going traveling and i want to be able to have internet access all the way. without having to buy a air card i already have a wireless card but its not strong so is there any way i can increase the signal but i still would like to know how to make the amplifier thank you i really would appreciate your help
Whats a wifi amplifier? and how can i make one? and how do i use it?
a regular wireless card for home use will not allow you to get wireless access everywhere, *unless you are talking about going to wireless hotspots*

(if you're wanting to send your home router signal across the country to your computer by amplifying it , that is not possible)

there are such things as wireless extenders (sort of amplifiers, but actually more like repeaters) they still don't extend the range more than about 100- 200 ft and you still need to go to a wireless hotspot anyway and they have to allow you to hook it up also

there isn't a way to make an amplifier to reach across the country, cost is prohibitive

there are wireless internet cards and cell phones, from cell phone service providers which allow internet access from areas where their cell phone access reaches
Whats a wifi amplifier? and how can i make one? and how do i use it?
I think making one is illegal depending on what state your in ( FCC compliant issues ) but you can buy one relatively cheap. You'll have to find free WiFi access while your there though.

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