Friday, March 12, 2010

CAN ANYONE HELP ME WITH What's written below?

The hard part, you will need to connect to the configuration page of ervery device that has a firewall in it, look for the portforwarding settings for it and configure the utorrent port to forward to your computers IP. ( this is usually done using a common internet browser like "Fire Fox" and to get to the page you type the IP address of the Router into where you would normally type "" )

for example the routers IP address is usually exactly the same as your computers but it will almost alwasy end in .1 or .138 or .254 so if your computers IP address is then your routers will be

Like I said there are too many configurations so you will need to use the name of your router to lookup the portforwarding simulator on the website and it will show you where to configure the settings

lastly you may need to open both TCP and UDP ports ( there are only these two options but some routers allow you to choose both at the same time for th
CAN ANYONE HELP ME WITH What's written below?
Find your router's IP. It's also your own, but your router may have a login through a specific port number. Login to your router and enable port forwarding to allow your p2p client to connect.

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