Wednesday, March 17, 2010

How do i fix a slow wireless connection?

i have dsl service and use a linksys for wireless connection for my hp labtop, recently i had problems with connection and called verizon, they helped me get my connection back resetting my modem and router, now after they were both reseted my connection keeps dropping and its very slow, can you guys help me out...
How do i fix a slow wireless connection?
Its super difficult to say, cuz many factors may contribute to this kind of problems.
How do i fix a slow wireless connection?
Loads of options, but here a few.

1. if you're looking to drop a lot of money, I suggest checking out the Wireless-N technology. It's loads stronger and steady. I had the same problem until I invested in this. I suggest a Linsys routers too.

2.Could be your laptop card is a little sad. If you know anyone else who has one, swap it out and compare.

Also, make sure you have minimal walls between the two as well as large magnetic objects such as a fridge or freezer.

This one took me a while to get fixed. Just google your heart out. The answer is out there, just might cost you some monies.

Good luck!
Reply:try changing the wireless channel you are using.

If you can figure out how to do that, call verizon and ask... if they supplied the wireless router they can give you exact steps/instructions

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