Friday, November 6, 2009

WI fie reception?

Hi, I have just moved, and i'm sharing a wi fi conection. my reception is very low and most of the time none at all, I can not change the distance between my laptop and router.

Is there any way or thing that I can do to my laptop to improve the reception. Thanks
WI fie reception?

switch off the laptops wifi, then buy an external USB wifi adaptor and a USB extension lead

Get the longest USB extension lead, then keep the laptop where it is and put the USB WIFI adaptor closer to the Router.

You may even be able to improve the aerial on the USB adaptor and get one with a better gain (5 or 6dBi)

like this


with a
WI fie reception?
Yup indeedy.
Reply:Yes. you can buy a wireless repeater.
Reply:Yup. Is it possible to move the router? If not, buy a USB wi-fi card, and a really long USB extention cable.

I recommend Linksys for the USB wi-fi card.
Reply:Try to get the Access point or wifi repeater. There is another thing is called antenna that gives you broader reception.

There is another thing just buy wifi pigtal and remove the small antenna connected to the router. Then connect the pigtail to the router and the routers antenna to the pigtail cable.
Reply:Try moving the router away from the wall. Worked for me. (Causes more signal reflections at more angles)
Reply:Yes, you can buy some powerline ethernet adapters,these use mains wiring to carry the signal from the router to the laptop. You need 2 adapters, one to connect your router to a local socket, the other from a local socket to where your laptop is. Speeds are as good as or better than wifi, and can be encrypted so your neighbour cannot pick up your signal if they also have powerline adapters. All the major manufacturers do them netgear, d-link, link sys. etc, here are some links. They come in various speeds, the price increases as the speed does


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