Friday, November 6, 2009

Which MAC address does cable ISP identify customers by?

The NIC MAC or the cable modem MAC. If you try a forced IP change because the ISP never changes it, and you use various software to change the MAC, I think it only changes the NIC MAC, right, and the other one of the cable modem doesn't change? I don't understand how this works.
Which MAC address does cable ISP identify customers by?
They identify you by the modem MAC.

That said, you don't need to change your mac to change your IP address. Doing the ipconfig commands from MS DOS should be enough to reset your IP.
Which MAC address does cable ISP identify customers by?
Cable ISP use the MAC of the cable modem.

If your ISP has assigned a IP to a specific MAC adress then what ever you do, the address will remain the same. Additionally , if you change the MAC address on your modem, that might render your connection un-useful, if the ISP does not allow non-identified MAC in their network.

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